solar panel Manufacturer

How can schools benefit from solar energy?

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Several schools and universities are using solar energy around the world namely— Northwestern University, Drexel University, and the University of Arizona. A few Indian educational institutions implementing solar energy systems include the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Bombay, IIT Delhi, and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru.

These infrastructures immensely benefit from solar energy.  It significantly reduces utility cost and is self-reliant.

Here’s how every city school can benefit by going solar

Why should schools go Solar?

Massive Cost savings

Solar energy is known to benefit budget-constrained educational institutions in rural and urban schools.  The systems installed reduce everyday cost and bids goodbye to long-hour power cuts.

 Opportunities under the Sun

Solar energy can provide hands-on learning opportunities for students in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) fields and can also be used as a tool for environmental education.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or other pollutants.

Community engagement

Schools can use solar energy to engage with their local community and promote the use of clean energy.

Public relations

Going solar can positively affect the school’s image and reputation, showing the community that the school is committed to environmental responsibility and cost savings.

How Can Schools Go Solar?

There are several ways a school can go solar:

Rooftop solar

 Install solar panels on the school’s roof or nearby land. This can generate school electricity and save money on utility bills.

Ground-Mounted solar

This type of solar power system is often used for large-scale commercial or utility projects. It can be particularly beneficial for schools, as it allows for the installation of larger solar arrays to generate more electricity. Many governments offer incentives and rebates to encourage the use of solar energy leading to lesser costs significantly.

Integrated solar roof solution

In recent years, solar technology has advanced.  Customers can now choose to build an integrated solar roof, in which the solar panels serve as the roofing material.

Which Solar Panels to Choose?

There are several types of solar panels, but the IB solar ones are:

Monocrystalline solar panels – These are made from a single, high-purity silicon crystal, and are known for their high efficiency and sleek, all-black appearance.

Monocrystalline solar panels have the highest efficiency rates, typically between 15-20%. Due to their higher efficiency, they can produce more power per square foot than other types of solar panels, making them ideal for smaller spaces or for meeting higher power needs. They are also durable and have a longer lifespan than other types of solar panels, making them a good investment in the long run.

Polycrystalline solar panels – These are made from multiple, lower-purity silicon crystals, and are slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels but also less expensive. They have a distinctive blue colour.  Polycrystalline solar panels have efficiency rates that typically range between 12-16%, lower than monocrystalline solar panels. However, they still have a reasonable efficiency rate and can be a good choice for larger systems or those with more space to install them. They tend to be less affected by high temperatures than monocrystalline solar panels, which can be advantageous in hot climates.

A rooftop solar system consists of many components— solar inverter, BOS and batteries:

Solar Inverter – A solar inverter, also known as a PV inverter, is a device that converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used to power homes and offices. This conversion is necessary because most appliances and devices run on AC electricity, while solar panels produce DC electricity.

Lithium Battery – A lithium battery is a type of rechargeable battery that uses lithium as the primary component of the electrodes. Lithium is a highly reactive metal that can store a large amount of energy in a small space. These batteries have a high energy density, which means they can store a large amount of energy in a small space. They are also relatively lightweight and have a long life span, with some Lithium batteries lasting up to 20 years.

In conclusion, solar energy can bring a wide range of benefits to schools. From cost savings on energy bills to educational opportunities for students, the implementation of solar energy systems can have a positive impact on schools. Additionally, by reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and promoting sustainability, schools can serve as a model for their communities and lead the way in the transition to clean energy.

Overall, solar for schools is a win-win situation for both the institution and the environment.

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From Eyesore to Eye-Catching: Turn Your Parking Lot into a Work of Art with a Solar Panel system.

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Recently, a sweeping movement towards environmental sustainability and social responsibility has taken root. Solar panels have emerged as a sought-after alternative for powering homes and businesses as the world seeks renewable energy sources. With technological advancements, parking lots have become a canvas for these solar panels, transforming them into exquisite works of art.

Drab to Fab transitions have been happening around the world with solar panels for parking lots.  The solar canopies offer special ROI when installed in commercial spaces like malls, corporate buildings, municipal parking lots etc. There are various innovative ways to harness the sun’s power and reduce your carbon footprint while providing shade to your customers and employees will also appreciate the shade to protect their vehicles. It’s truly a win-win!

Here’s why solar parking lots are so 2023:

Massive Cost Savings

By using solar panels to power lighting and other electrical systems in parking lots, businesses can significantly reduce their energy bills and save money in the long term. Installing solar panels in parking lots can almost eliminate EV charging costs, resulting in massive cost savings for drivers and businesses.

Be a Green Champion

 Solar parking lots are an environmentally-friendly option that can help reduce a business’s carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. This can be a valuable selling point for customers and employees who prioritise environmental responsibility.

2x Increase in  property value

Solar parking lots can increase the value of commercial properties, as they are a modern and attractive feature that can make a property more appealing to potential buyers or tenants.

Here are some tips and tricks for turning your parking lot into a visually stunning space with a solar panel system:

Consider the design of your solar panel system

When designing your solar panel system, consider the layout and design of your parking lot. The solar panels can be arranged in different configurations to create visually appealing patterns, shapes, or designs. For example, you could create a zigzag pattern or arrange the panels in a circular shape. This will add a unique visual element to your parking lot.

Choose durable and weather-resistant solar panels

Make sure you choose solar panels that are durable and weather-resistant. This will ensure that your parking lot’s artistic design lasts a long time. Look for solar panels that require minimal maintenance so you can spend less time worrying about upkeep and more time enjoying your solar-powered parking lot.

Efficient solar panels

Choose efficient solar panels that can generate enough energy to meet your parking lot’s needs. An expert can help you determine your solar panel system’s ideal size and configuration. This will ensure that your system is efficient and cost-effective.

Make It Green

Consider adding greenery or landscaping elements to enhance the visual appeal of your solar panel system. Plants, shrubs, or small trees can be planted around the solar panels to add a touch of natural beauty to your parking lot. This will create a beautiful and welcoming space that your visitors will love.

Integrate it with a sustainable feature

Integrate the solar panel system with other sustainable features in your parking lot, such as rain gardens or permeable paving, to create a cohesive and environmentally friendly space. This will demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and create a visually stunning space that your visitors will appreciate.

In conclusion, Adopting sustainable practices is not only a responsible choice but also an opportunity to create an attractive and visually appealing space. A solar panel system can reduce your carbon footprint and turn your parking lot into a work of art. IB Solar as your solar panel provider means investing in a sustainable future for your business while providing an attractive and safe environment for your employees and customers. With their high-quality solar panel systems, customized solutions, and range of additional features, IB Solar is the company to choose for turning your parking lot into a work of art.

adminFrom Eyesore to Eye-Catching: Turn Your Parking Lot into a Work of Art with a Solar Panel system.
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Top Solar Panels in India 2024

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Solar panels have become increasingly popular in India for various reasons. Some people install them to reduce their high electricity bills, while others in areas with insufficient electricity supply use them as an alternative power source.

Additionally, there are those who prioritize environmental sustainability and choose solar panels as a way to reduce their carbon footprint. Regardless of the motivation, the solution remains the same. Therefore, it is crucial to select a solar panel that can deliver maximum current while fitting within one’s budget.

Here is a quick guide on how to choose the best solar panels based on thier performance, space availability, and warranty.

  1. Know your Manufacturer

When it comes to buying solar panels, it can be challenging to choose a trustworthy manufacturer or distributor. With so many options available in the market, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer you are buying from is certified by the government. This is crucial to ensure that the solar panels are reliable and meet the necessary safety and performance standards. IB Solar is the top solar panel manufacturer in India. The panels are ALMM enlisted, BIS approved, IEC certified, and SNA approved. These certifications are a testament to the quality and reliability of their products. Choosing a manufacturer who offers a long warranty period of 5-10 years is crucial.

  1. Solar Panels Type

Getting straight to the point, there are commonly three types of solar panels widely available in India:

  • Polycrystalline Solar Panels
  • Mono Perc Solar Panels
  • Bifacial Solar Panels

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are a popular choice for generating electricity from solar energy. Here are some key points describing polycrystalline panels:

  1. The Polycrystalline panels have multiple silicon crystals that are melted together to form a single panel.
  2. They are less expensive to manufacture compared to monocrystalline panels, making them a popular choice for residential and commercial installations.
  3. They are suitable for areas with high temperatures as they have a lower temperature coefficient compared to monocrystalline panels.
  4. Polycrystalline panels have a blue hue due to the multiple crystals used in their production.
  5. They have a lower space efficiency compared to monocrystalline panels, as they require more space to produce the same amount of power.
  6. The affordable and widely available Polycrystalline panels are one of the best solar panels for residential and commercial installations.

One of the best solar panel manufacturers in India, IB Solar has been manufacturing polycrystalline solar panels for over a decade.  It comes with the trust of multiple SNA’s (State Nodal Agencies) like HAREDA (Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency), JAREDA (Jharkhand Renewable Energy Development Agency), PEDA (Punjab Energy Development Agency).

Mono-crystalline Panels

Monocrystalline solar panels, the top-tier category of solar panels, often referred to as ‘Mono Panels’ in the industry. They produce higher current compared to polycrystalline solar panels and are famous for their single flat black color. Monocrystalline solar panels are more efficient than polycrystalline solar panels since they utilize single-crystal silicon technology. So what makes them best?

  1. Higher Efficiency: These have higher efficiency rates, ranging from 17% to 22%. This means that they can convert a higher percentage of sunlight into usable electricity, making them ideal for applications with limited space.
  2. Longevity: Monocrystalline solar panels are made using high-quality silicon, which makes them more durable and long-lasting compared to other types of solar panels. These panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years, which makes them a smart investment for homeowners and businesses.
  3. High Temperature Tolerance: Monocrystalline solar panels perform well in high-temperature environments and maintain their efficiency, making them ideal for use in hot climates.
  4. Space Efficiency: Monocrystalline solar panels are space-efficient since they require less area to produce the same amount of electricity as polycrystalline solar panels. This makes them a popular choice for rooftops and other small spaces.
  5. Aesthetically Pleasing: Monocrystalline solar panels have a uniform, sleek black color that gives them an aesthetic edge over other types of solar panels.

Bifacial Solar Panels

Bifacial solar panels are a type of solar panel that can produce electricity from both sides of the panel. These panels consist of a layer of photovoltaic cells sandwiched between two sheets of glass or other transparent materials.

When sunlight hits the front of the panel, the cells convert it into electricity, and when it passes through to the backside of the panel, it can reflect off surfaces such as the ground, snow, or nearby structures, producing additional electricity.

Bifacial solar panels are best solar panels in India for several reasons:

  1. Superior efficiency: Bifacial solar panels have a higher efficiency rate than traditional solar panels, ranging from 15% to 30%. This means that they can produce more electricity per square meter of land.
  2. Top-notch performance in hot climates: Bifacial solar panels can generate electricity from both sides, which means that they can handle higher temperatures and perform better in hot climates such as India.
  3. Reduced land usage: Bifacial solar panels require less land than traditional solar panels to generate the same amount of electricity. This is because they can generate electricity from both sides, which means that fewer panels are needed.
  4. Flexibility: Bifacial solar panels can be mounted in a variety of ways, including vertical and horizontal orientations. This makes them ideal for use in urban areas where space is limited.

Solar Rating for the best Solar Panels in India

The solar panel rating indicates the amount of current that a solar panel can generate under specific conditions. This rating is a useful parameter for comparing solar cells since a higher rating indicates that the panel can produce more current compared to a panel with a lower rating.

However, if two solar panels have the same efficiency ratings but different power ratings, it is possible that the one with the higher power rating is larger in size than the other. Therefore, it is important to consider other parameters as well when comparing solar panels.

Solar Panels Price 2024

While buying solar panels, the most important factor is the price of solar panels. Everyone wants to buy solar panels at a substantially less price. However, the cost of the panels depends highly on rating, capacity, type and warranty offered.

Solar Panel Certifications

Government or international standard certifications are highly important when choosing solar panels. 

Always purchase solar panels that hold MNRE Approval (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy), feature in ALMM (Approved List of Models and Manufacturers), bear the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) mark, and have been acknowledged by the IEC.

In conclusion, IB Solar is undoubtedly one of the leading solar manufacturers in India in 2024. With the widest range of solar panels available in the market and all the necessary licenses, they have successfully supplied panels for over 100 state government projects in northern India. Their commitment to delivering the highest quality products and services has earned them a stellar reputation in the industry. IB Solar’s continuous efforts towards innovation and sustainability make them a reliable partner for all your solar energy needs.

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How Does Solar Energy Offer A Promising Future?

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Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly prominent. Lately, solar energy has become a practical option. Solar panel demand has more than doubled in the last decade. From large corporations to small homeowners, everyone is getting involved in this industry. You can generate energy with free sunlight regardless of your economy. According to government data, the solar power capacity has been increased to 30 GW in July 2019. But how bright does the future of this energy source appear? This blog will inform you more about it: 

Traditional Energy Sources 

Today, non-renewable sources of energy are our major sources of electricity production. Coal-fired thermal power plants, which account for approximately 75% of total electricity generation, produce the highest amount of electricity. While coal was instrumental in the advancement of modern society, it is also the main cause of climate change. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for 2019, coal burning is to blame for more than 40% of worldwide carbon emissions and more than 75% of emissions related to the production of electricity. The phase-out of coal is essential to achieving the Paris Agreement’s objectives and keeping global warming to not more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 

Furthermore, coal is a non-renewable source of energy, meaning that once used up, it cannot be replenished. We must therefore explore another source of energy. 

Why Solar? 

There are plenty of reasons for going solar. First and foremost, it’s available free of cost! The sun is a practically infinite supply of solar energy that may be accessible at any moment from any place on earth. You only have to invest during its installation. 

Electricity generated with solar panels at home is green, renewable, and emission-free. Home solar energy, as opposed to fossil fuels including coal and natural gas, doesn’t emit hazardous toxins or greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and water supplies. In the long term, solar energy will save you a ton of money by decreasing your electricity bill. Additionally, machinery for converting solar energy has a longer lifespan, requires less maintenance, and thus offers greater energy infrastructure security. 

Affordable Price 

It is also getting affordable, particularly in warmer areas like India where it is already the least expensive method of producing fresh electricity. It will become even more affordable in the upcoming year thanks to advancements in technology. It’s possible that by 2030 solar energy will be the primary supply of energy for producing electricity in a considerable amount of the world. 

Scope In India  

The country’s physical positioning is advantageous for producing sustainable energy. India, a tropical nation, experiences 3,000 hours of sunlight annually and obtains solar radiation virtually all year round. It is more than 5,000 trillion kWh. India receives 4–7 kWh of solar radiation per square metre almost everywhere.  

Less than 0.5 percent of the estimated potential is represented by India’s existing solar power capacity, which is still around 3 GW. Of course, there is a tremendous possibility to fulfil this capability. As a consequence, the Indian government boosted its goal of adding solar power capacity by five times. The government now intends to build 100 GW of solar power capacity rather than the earlier objective of installing 22 GW of solar power capacity by 2022. In comparison to India’s overall solar capacity of 750 GWh, it comprises 20 GW of ultra mega solar power plants spread across 12 states with installed capacities of 500 MW or more. 

Innovations For Future  

Solar costs will be cut in half by 2030 according to the solar industry’s extremely precise cost-reduction roadmaps. Higher-efficiency modules are already being developed; they can provide 1.5 times as much power as currently available, comparably sized modules owing to a technique known as tandem silicon cells. They will have a significant effect moving towards the future. 

Scientists are also working to make affordable alternatives to silicon and silver which are used to make equipment for solar panels. Additionally, bifacial modules that can function from either side will launch in the marketplace in near future. The future of solar energy is promising due to all these advancements and benefits. If you are also interested in stepping into this future then IB Solar is here to help you. You can find a range of solar panels for your house or business.

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Types Of Solar Mounting Structures For Rooftop Solar System

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In the last ten years, the solar energy sector has grown significantly. Solar energy is now widely used as a more affordable alternative to electricity in India. Due to several government initiatives and incentives for installing solar systems, the market will grow even more in the upcoming years. Therefore, purchasing solar panels is a smart move, and you can opt for a rooftop solar system, a popular choice for many Indian households. Solar panels work efficiently when they are positioned at a proper inclination angle with their faces facing south and receive the highest amount of uninterrupted sunlight. Therefore, these panels come with solar mounting structures that serve as the foundation for PV modules that are deployed to harness solar energy for power production. So, it is crucial to comprehend these structures so that you may pick that rooftop solar system that’s best for you when you go out to buy one. Below is an explanation of different solar mounting structures for rooftop solar systems: 

  • Flush Mount 

The first kind of roof mount we’ll discuss is a flush mount. They are a low-cost, straightforward alternative appropriate for the majority of roof-mounted solar panel systems. As their name implies, they are made to lie flush with the roof surface on which they are attached and are often not moveable. The solar panels are typically kept in position with metal clips that leave 2-4 inches between the bottom of the panel and the roof. This makes it possible for a lot of air to move down the panel’s underside, keeping it cool and enabling it to function at its best. A panel’s efficiency and lifespan both decrease if it overheats. 

  • Ballasted Mount 

In contrast to flush mounts, ballasted mounts incorporate weights to keep the solar panels on your rooftop in position. The weights that must be lifted onto the roof with this design, which may be rather heavy when working with bigger systems, create an extra problem. Ballasted mounts enable for a panel inclination of up to 20 degrees for the best solar exposure, do not need roof penetrations, are quicker and less expensive to install. Moreover, this mount has a lower power density, raises the weight on your roof, and is less appropriate for places with high winds. They are constrained by some site features like building elevation and roof inclination. 

  • Hybrid Mount 

Hybrid Mounts, as you may expect, combine flush mounting and ballasted mounts. They utilize some structural components of both mounts to cater to some roofs that can’t sustain either. Depending on the model, hybrid mounts can be quick to attach, involve little roof penetration, and provide specific layout optimization based on weight holding and wind.

These mounts can be more pricey and take up more area on your roof, which reduces the amount of space available for your system.

Age of the current roof, geographical latitude, weather patterns, roof pitch, and shadowing from nearby structures or vegetation should all be taken into account when analyzing rooftop solar. Bhambri Solar gives you a complete solar solution with the best quality products. So, if you are looking for a rooftop solar system with a specific mounting structure then opt for Bhambri Solar. 

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