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How Many Solar Panels Are Enough For My Home

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Finding the ideal number of solar panels for your home becomes a concern once you’ve decided to purchase a solar panel system. More panels will be a waste of money, while fewer numbers won’t provide enough profit. Therefore, deciding on the appropriate amount of solar panels is a crucial first step in going green. The right amount for your house depends on a variety of criteria, including the geography and the location of your home. This blog is focused on explaining it: 

Factors Influencing The Number Of Solar Panels  

You must consider a few factors that influence the number of solar panels for your house before purchasing it. 

  • Electricity Bill 

First thing is to check your monthly as well as yearly electricity bills. There you can find out your monthly electricity consumption. Take out its average and the data will give you an idea about how much electric energy you will require for a month or a whole year.  

  • Consider The Future Changes 

You may require more power in the future due to an increase in family size, or electric appliances or you simply are shifting to a bigger location. Therefore, you need to consider all these factors as well that can significantly increase your power consumption. 

  • Power Consumption Per Day 

You need to know the daily power requirements to know the right number of solar panels for your house. You can calculate it with the help of your average monthly electricity consumption. Simply, divide the value by 30 and you’ll get your daily power consumption. 

  • Sun Hour 

A peak sun hour is a period when light intensity reaches 1,000 watts per square meter. You may experience 6 to 8 hours of sunlight, but the peak sun hours may be around 4. Peak sun hours are not the same as “hours of sunlight.” 

Sun hours in India range from 3 to 5 hours, with an average of 4 hours for the majority of locations. 

  • Roof Size 

Knowing your roof size makes sense if you are planning for installing solar panels on your house terrace. A single panel takes about 17.5 square feet. Now, you can calculate the number of solar panels that will fit on your roof and whether it will be sufficient for you or not. 

  • Solar Panel Efficiency 

It refers to the amount of sun’s radiation that will be converted into electric energy. It varies with the different types of solar panels. So, for producing the same amount of power, two solar panels with different efficiency will require different times. If you have a smaller roof size, then you may go for a higher solar panel efficiency. However, these panels will cost you more than a solar panel with less efficiency.

Solar Panel Size 

You can now easily calculate the size of your solar panel system. All you have to do is to divide your average monthly power consumption by the sun hour of 30 days. For instance, if your average power consumption per month is 1000kW and the sun hour per day is 5.5 hours, then you will require a solar panel system of 6.06 kW. It means that this system will produce 6.06 kW of power for every sun hour. So, the power generated in the entire day will be 33.33 kW. 

Calculate The Number Of Panels 

Now, that you have all the required data, you can calculate the number of panels that will be sufficient for your energy requirements. 

The first thing is to convert your solar panel size into watts by multiplying the number by 1000. The next step is to decide on the efficiency of the solar system you wanted to buy. Then you need to divide the solar panel size (in Watts) by the efficiency. The result will be the number of panels you require for your house. 

Too much math? To get the answer without much ado hop on a call with our experts to book a Free site visit!

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